Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Living each day a little moment at a time...

Have you ever started out your day, waking up to a warm morning with sunshine flooding through your window, and all you can think about is that mental to-do list? A list that may go something like this: Pull yourself out of bed (even though I'm longing for just a couple more winks of sleep), get the littles up, diapers changed, clothes on, milk in their small bellies, myself dressed and maybe hair pulled back, if there's time (a shower is always a bonus!), breakfast put out, dishes done, house tidied, cuddle kiddos after having silly sing and shout time, and all the while thinking of the never-ending mental list of chores and tasks to complete today, tomorrow, this week, maybe this month {if my post baby brain can think that far ;-)}. 

Today, my aunt reminded me of something I should remember each day. EVERY DAY IS A GIFT! She told me that I need to take each day and live it to the fullest. Enjoy ALL the little moments because you will only live this day once. Make each moment count for God's glory. Cherish those little, sometimes monotonous, tasks because one day you may not have to do them and then you will miss them. 

God struck a chord in my heart after I got off the phone with her and guess what I did? I enjoyed the simple things in life. I continued my day, but with a lighter heart. While my little girl took a nap, instead of folding a pile of laundry and racing about trying to get as many chores accomplished as I could before, dare I say this.....she wakes.... I settled down and held my newborn, little man just cuddled him. It was a little moment that I could spend with just him. He is only going to be a newborn for a short time and that laundry, even though I wish it would fold itself, will still be there after naptime. I could use it as an opportunity to teach my toddler something... a love for laundry! :-)

I think it is really sinking in that I don't have to get ALL those things that are on my mental to-do-list finished right now. I can take little steps and accomplish those tasks, while still taking time to REALLY enjoy my littles and the littles in life. 

This is the day the Lord has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it.
~Psalm 118:24

1 comment:

  1. Sweet post. Enjoy the days while they are young, for they pass too quickly. Looking forward to reading future posts, Honey.
